Jaguar Pathways
Jaguar Pathways is a framework designed to advance student completions by offering clear educational paths that integrate student services, counseling, and academic support for the student. Jaguar Pathways works to redesign our structure, culture, policies, proceducres, and processess regarding recruitment, onboarding, scheduling, retention, and student learning and assessment to ensure students can identify a clear direction and develop momentum that moves them forward.
Jaguar Pathways is also proud to announce program maps. Our program maps give students an example of how they can achieve thier goals by providing a semester-by-semester map to success. Please speak with a counselor for more information.
Our collective promise to students is to provide them access, available support, and exceptional instruction in programs that promote an upwardly mobile pathway to success. We pledge to make ourselves available to meet our students as they come to us, and help them achieve their educational goals.he College constituency will reexamine every facet of the institution to identify structural barriers that impede or prevent the success of our students and invest in equity-minded, collaborative and aligned, policies, practices, and behaviors that lead to the success of ALL students.
Read Southwestern's Philosophy Professor Peter Bolland: In Defense of Community College |